The St. Paul Yacht Club is a non-profit entity (501 C-7) dedicated to safe and affordable boating on the Mississippi River. We have a full-time staff of two and an eleven-member volunteer Board of Directors.
We are a public marina devoted to safe, affordable boating. It belongs to St. Paul and its surrounding communities. The membership is a wonderful cross-section of people from every walk of life. The common denominator among them all is a passion for boating and life on the Mississippi.
Board of Directors & Staff
Flag Officers:
Bill Tschohl - Commodore
Nathan Schumann - Vice-Commodore
Lynn Adler - Treasurer
Troy Janisch - Secretary
Board Members-at-Large:
Andrea Johnson
Andy Ristrom
David Nelson
Diane Scovill
Jon Oulman
Tom Surprenant
Committee Chairs:
Lynn Adler - Finance
Andy Ristrom - Operations
Diane Scovill - Social
Bill Tschohl - Strategic Planning
Lynn Adler & Nathan Schumann - Marketing and Membership
Nathan Schumann - Amenities
Grievance Committee:
Thomas Marrone thomasmarrone@msn.com
Bonnie Jean MacKay bonniejeanmackay@gmail.com
Fran Potvien fpotvien@yahoo.com
MJ Babcock
Kevin Goodspeed
Greg Jorgensen
About S.P.Y.C.
Past Commodore:
Greg Jorgensen
Staff Members:
Kristina Cummings - Manager
Brian Koskie - Dockmaster